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Rant [1007] ""But it's my birthday...""

Monday 26 October 2009
"But it's my birthday..." is a terribly cliched line used by hack writers to deepen the impact of a traumatic or tragic event by having it happen to someone on a normally joyous day. And yet, I keep thinking it to myself, because while Hamusutaa and I were holding our annual joint birthday (...)

Comic 1238 updated.

Sunday 25 October 2009

Inuits modernes

Sunday 25 October 2009 by El Jj — Compliquages, Vocabulaire
Alors que les esquimaux ont une douzaine de mots différents pour exprimer la neige, les mathématiciens possèdent eux aussi tout une gamme de mots différents pour parler d'assertions mathématiques : théorème, corollaire, lemme, postulat...Plus difficile (...)

Rant [1004] "Post Op & Library-ing"

Thursday 22 October 2009
If you have been paying attention to my twitter-sludgestream lately as opposed to waiting for me to update this poorly neglected column, you will know Tuesday was a rough day for my little guy. Jack had his Tonsils and Adenoids removed, which is a big deal when you are barely two years old. The (...)

Brenoms de nom

Sunday 18 October 2009 by El Jj — Compliquages, Constructions, Infini, Nombres, Nombres p-adiques, Topologie
Où en étions-nous, déjà ? J'ai parlé des entiers naturels, des relatifs, des rationnels... Ah oui : les réels... Tout le monde s'attend donc aujourd'hui à ce que je parle des complexes, et c'est pourquoi je ne le ferai pas... Aujourd'hui, place aux (...)

Comic [1237] "it's not right!"

Saturday 17 October 2009
Chapter 10: "A.F.K." comic 1237 [read...] [permalink]

Rant [1003] "Touchy touchy"

Thursday 15 October 2009
So I was at the office late on a Monday last month. When I say “late” I mean “until 1 AM”. Since the next day was payday, I decided I deserved a gadget. I found myself at a nearby Sony Style store over my lunch break as a salesman told me about the Sony Reader Touch. Now, realize that I am a geek. (...)

Comic [1236] "are any of your girls happy?"

Wednesday 14 October 2009
Chapter 10: "A.F.K." comic 1236 [read...] [permalink]

Êtes-vous plutôt Cantorien ou Dedekindien ?

Sunday 11 October 2009 by El Jj — Compliquages, Analyse, Nombres, Topologie
Étant donné un carré de côté 1, exprimez sa diagonale sous la forme d'une fraction.Voilà sans nul doute l'exercice qui a fait basculer toute la philosophie Pythagoricienne, et qui a ébranlé l'intelligentsia grecque, au moins jusqu'au XVIIIe (...)

Comic [1235] "don't look"

Thursday 8 October 2009
Chapter 10: "A.F.K." comic 1235 [read...] [permalink]

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