legendary_totoro’s Haven
Tahitian Volleyball Championship

The Last Step (on the Stairway to Heaven)

Tuesday 10 June 2008 by legendary_totoro

We’ve fought our way to the final and are now just one step behind the title, and what a huge step to make as the other finalist, Venus, finished the regular season as the best team in spite of their 2 defeats against us...

Quick browsing

Fourth Set

As always in our confrontations with Venus, the fourth set announces a fierce battle.

I take place on the field at the beginning of the set with a little refreshed body. Our team consists of Axel-Rafio (wingmen), Terou-Steeve (centers), Maheanu-Me, with Maka playing the libero. I feel the composition is right since Vaana and Tapu weren’t at their best that night.

Venus started this set on the same level as they finished the previous one. They switched between Thierry and Marere for scoring whil we had a more diversified game, but they grab the upper hand to the first timeout : 6-8.

As predicted the game intensifies and Venus is showing their motivation to even the score. I give some good settings but from time to time, the spikers either get blocked or they shoot the ball out of the field... Venus hence increases its lead 12-16.

Maybe I was feeling the pressure, maybe it was simply the physical strain from the week, maybe it was all that but I feel I’m so nervous and tense I start losing ground again. Axel and Rafio both feel my nervosity and try to settle me down and keep me in the game : "don’t worry, we’re still ahead", "calm, relax", "stay with us, we need you".

The last one especially gave me a lot of courage and I felt I was progressively coming back into this. The only problem was will I make it in time ? Venus was steadily cruising to grab this set as we reached 17-21...
It’s not we were lacking anything from my opinion. The passing line was good, I started making good choices again, the spikers also performed well and Axel even blocked Thierry once...
I don’t know, maybe they were just playing better ?

The end of the set was near and the tension and pressure were flowing in my blood like a gushing river. Nonetheless, I guess they also started to feel it and we managed to retreive 2 points on their trail : 21-23.
We serve, Marere gets the ball and shoots between our blockers : 21-24.
It was our turn to serve, and they give the ball to Thierry who spikes right on my knee. The ball rises in the gymnasium but didn’t touch the roof and Maka manages to deliver the ball to his brother Axel who ended the point by a nice spike : 22-24.

Now we still had one timeout to take and it happened when we were about to serve. Usually you don’t take a timeout during your serving periods, it’s oftenly taken to disturb the opponent’s period of serving but in our case, should we lose the point the timeout would be going to waste so it was actually a good time to take it.
Here we get the instructions that Maheanu will serve in order to prevent Venus from setting the ball to Thierry who was in the back line. We were clearly looking for a spike from their wingman Marere. We were thus told to take the option on him and to form a 3-man block. Axel and Terou were on the front along with me, so it was actually a good lineup.
Back on the court, Terou gets substituted for Vaana. Eventhough the substitution can look a little weird considering the height Terou can reach, it only makes sens if you take into account he’s been playing for 4 sets and he wasn’t performing well on the block.
Anyway, the point went just as planned as the ball was given to Marere. We form our 3-man blocking line with Vaana on the left, Axel on the right and me on the middle. The ball is slowed down by Vaana, Rafio manages to pass the ball and I set it to Axel. Axel crumbles the ball on Marere’s external hand and we won the point : 23-24.

Same players and same configuration for another point. Maheanu’s floating serve really did well as the ball is given to Marere again, but he’s on the 3m line. As we form our 3-man blocking line, our eyes meet and I think he was like "oh my god, 3 blockers again". Anyway, he spikes and Vaana manages to kill him on the net : 24-24.

The crowd goes crazy at this point and maybe that’s why Venus couldn’t take a timeout (too loud to ask to the 2nd referee)...or was it they already used them ? I don’t clearly remember, sorry. Anyway, same player try again as Marere is given the ball once again. This time I’m the one to block him and I was so delighted because I couldn’t catch him during the 2 previous sets ! We took the lead 25-24 and the fire has been started again in this set !
Marere gets the ball yet again (gotta thank Maheanu for his serves) and this time he tries to spike on the line where Axel is blocking, and the ball hits the ground.























out !!

We just won the set, the match and captured the title !!

Explosions of joy burst right after the referee whistled the end of the point (and of the match) and I let all the pressure go out in a shout/cry of relief. We circle our coach for his great job on taking the timeout at 22-24 and just keep shouting our happiness.

This victory crowns a season of hardships and rough training sessions. It’s really unbelievable, who would have gambled on me as a setter at the beginning of the year ? First year as a setter and already one title. Just wow...still can’t realize it even after 10 days !!

The victory is ours and it really was a collective one since everyone hit the playground, and everyone participated in scoring. Volleyball is a collective sport and that match was a perfect illustration. Thierry had over 70% of the balls and he had an incredible success rate (only got blocked once if memory serves) of almost 100% (maybe 95%). Yet his astounding performance couldn’t make his team win in the end. I’m not minimizing his role during his final (he played like a Pro, and I heard he was leaving for some team in France in Pro B next season). Just that it wasn’t enough.

Special Thanks

All that’s left for me here is to thank the people who followed the Saga to the end, especially :
- Pand@ for her psychological coaching
- FX for tactical advices
- Last but not least Lucie for her unwithering belief in me.

Final Words

I hope you enjoyed reading it as well as I did writting it and I hope to hear some comments from you now (yeah you silent reader) !!

PS : I’ll upload the regular press coverage of the event a little bit later.

Medal 2008


  • The Last Step (on the Stairway to Heaven)
    13 June 2008

    Bonjour Totoro,

    Bravo pour avoir remporté le titre du championnat !! La finale était vraiment très serrée. Les deux équipes étaient au coude à coude. Je me souviens encore de ton anxiété au début du championnat. Pirae était loin de se qualifier pour la finale. Et voilà ! Aujourd’hui,vous êtes sacrés champions. Quelle aventure ! J’espère que cette victoire vous amènera de nouveaux recrues pour l’année 2008-2009. J’imagine déjà que certains se bousculeront devant votre club pour s’inscrire.

    à bientôt.

    P.S. J’ai essayé de surfer sue le site de la Fédération Tahitienne de Volleyball pour en savoir un peu plus sur l’engouement des Tahitiens sur ce sport. Apparemment, il n’est pas du tout à jour. Je sais qu’elle manque de moyens financiers. Mais comment voulez-vous qu’on soit au courant de certains clubs, qui se trouvent à 100000 km de chez nous ?

    • The Last Step (on the Stairway to Heaven)
      15 June 2008, by legendary_totoro


      Merci, ce fut un beau match avec beaucoup d’intensité et la finale aurait pu basculer de l’autre côté à tout moment au cours du 4ème set. Nous nous sommes cependant accroché et avons arraché la victoire avec nos tripes.

      Pour ce qui est des recrues, nous récupérons un passeur et un ailier je crois. Ce ne sera pas de trop car je ne pense pas pouvoir m’investir autant l’an prochain. Je pense que c’est également le cas de plusieurs autres joueurs qui seront aux abonnés absents pour diverses raisons. Le club recrute donc à tous postes. Intéressé ? :P

      Ensuite, j’aimerais bien savoir comment tu fais pour surfer sur un site mort...la dernière adresse connue du site de la Fédération Tahitienne de Volley-Ball est : www.ftvb.pf et ce site est mort depuis au moins 18 mois...

      En ce qui concerne l’engouement pour ce sport ici, il reste bien vivant. Traditionnellement le volley-ball est très pratiqué dans les quartiers (découpage résidentiel, terme sans connotations) mais souffre du manque d’implications de ses pratiquants pour entrer dans les milieux scolaires et professionnels... Il est clair que le foot et le basket par exemple sont les rois du collège/lycée et que les médias préfèrent couvrir une compétition de surf (Bilabong Tahitian Pro Tour) qu’une finale du championnat de volley...

      Enfin bon, si tu as d’autres questions, envoies moi un mail et j’essayerais d’y répondre au mieux ou alors je ferais suivre aux personnes compétentes.


    • The Last Step (on the Stairway to Heaven)
      15 June 2008


      Merci pour les informations. Je suis ravi que vous ayez trouvé de nouveaux recrues à la rentrée. En fait, j’ai confondu la Fédération tahitienne du volleyball avec la Ligue de Volley-Ball des îles Wallis et Futuna. Le site de cette dernière ne l’est pas plus à jour que le précédent. Je ne m’en plains pas : au moins,le ballon bondit sur l’écran. Grâce à ton site, on connaît l’issue du championnat.

      En outre, je te remercie beaucoup de m’avoir proposé d’être parmi vous. Malheureusement, je vis en métropole et mes poignets ne me permettent pas de pratiquer le sport à un tel niveau. Toutefois, cela ne m’empêche pas de suivre de très près les compétitions sportives. D’ailleurs, j’attends avec impatience les Jeux Olympiques de Pékin.

      Bien cordialement.

    • The Last Step (on the Stairway to Heaven)
      30 July 2008, by David
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